Create a life that is suited to you and your desires

You may feel like you are the problem but, in this life, you are also the solution. Whether the pain you hold is caused by a stranger, the ones you hold closest, or yourself, there’s a solution to get you to the other side of your suffering.

Below are my current services. Some are quick, offering you education and practical tools to move through the daily muck of your mind, while others create the long-lasting changes, expanding your future vision into the life that feels aligned and true to you.

self-healing tool

Finding Freedom

This is a great place to start if you’re not sure how much time or money you want to invest right now. The Finding Freedom Resource provides you with your go-to tool for moving through the thoughts or emotions you can’t seem to shake.

Investment: FREE


Community Classes

Want to learn more? Whether you’re eager to learn about how to fix your issues, or just want to scope out how Ali works, teaches, and flows, check out the next virtual, community class!

Investment: $25 per class

transform together

The Recalibration Series: Collective Edition

Have you hit your breaking point? If nothing and no one has helped you up until this point, it’s time to hop on board with like-minded individuals who are also in it to heal. Over the course of 12 weeks, be uplifted, transformed, and released into your new, on purpose, unstuck life.

Investment: $660

Payment plans available


The Recalibration Series

Feeling stuck, unworthy, lost, or constantly in fear WILL tire you out. Commit the next 8 weeks to healing from the inside out as Ali guides you, one-on-one, through the revolutionary process that will not only change the way you think about your life and the life around you, but will be the catalyst to launch you into your true, desired, future life.

Investment: $1200

Payment plans available

Book an event

Retreats, Circles, and More!

Local or virtual; Community or private, Ali can be at your next event! Ali offers introductory classes in hypnojourneying, trauma healing, and brain health, providing your guests teachings and a taste of whichever topic chosen.

Investment: $75 per hour

Stay in touch!